Getting Listings with Every Door Direct Mail Postcards for Real Estate Agents

Getting Listings with Every Door Direct Mail Postcards for Real Estate Agents

You know that door postcard marketing is a killer way to get listings with your real estate agent clients. But you and your team have been struggling to come up with the right postcard phrases and designs that will appeal to home sellers. You’ve tried brainstorming but ended up frustrated. You can’t find the right words or images to help you put together those postcards. What can you do? It doesn’t have to be this hard, though. We understand how challenging it can be when you are trying to create the perfect design for your DL postcards for real estate agents. But don’t worry - we’re here to give you some great tips on what phrases and designs work best for such projects.

Why Listing Postcards Are So Critical

Postcards are a terrific way to reach a lot of people at once. You can send them to your local community and beyond, and your message will get to a lot of people at once. This gives you a great opportunity to not only get listings, but to also introduce your brand to lots of potential new customers. In addition, postcards can be used for multiple purposes. You can use them for getting new customers, for engaging your current customers, for increasing retention rates, for asking for reviews, for building up your online presence, and so much more. Postcards are a versatile tool that will help you with many aspects of your business.

Before You Start Writing

Before you start writing, you need to figure out who you want to be talking to on your postcards. What are their needs and challenges? What are their hopes and dreams? What are their fears and dreams? What are their frustrations and desires? What are their dreams? What are their aspirations? Once you figure out who you are writing to, it will be a lot easier to start writing the copy that you’ll use on the postcards. Next, you’ll want to decide on the goal you want the postcards to achieve. Do you want to get new leads? Do you want to increase retention? Do you want to increase referrals? Do you want to get reviews? Do you want to drive sales from your online store? Do you want to increase brand awareness? Pick one or two goals for your postcard and stick to them as you’re writing the copy.

Tips for Finding the Right Words and Images

Now that you’ve got an idea of what you want to write, it’s time to start brainstorming. Here are a few brainstorming tips that will help get the ideas flowing: - See what other successful postcards are doing - Look at what is actually working with your market. What postcards are they responding to? What are they saying? What images are they using? - Target very specific markets that you have narrowed down. Having a very specific market in mind will help you brainstorm better. - Use keywords. These are the words that people are searching for. You can use a word cloud generator to see which words appear most often in search engine results. - Use the what if method. - What if your target market was on death’s doorstep? What if they were on the verge of a terrible breakup? What if they were struggling financially? Ask yourself what you would say to this person. Then write a postcard to this person.

Don’t Write Everything You See

Now that you’ve gone through all the postcards of your competitors, you may want to copy everything that works on other postcards. But don’t do this. Just because something worked once doesn’t mean it will work again. You need to understand the psychology behind what makes something work. You need to understand how your market is being influenced by almost every word on these postcards. You need to understand how your market is being influenced by almost every image on these postcards. Only then can you start to modify your postcards so that you’re getting the same psychological impact as the postcards of your competitors.

Mix up your words and images

If you only use words and images from one postcard campaign, it is only a matter of time before your prospects catch on. You need to mix it up and use a variety of different postcards. You can use the same words on several postcards with different images or you can use different words on several postcards with the same image. You can even use different words and images on several different postcards. This will keep your prospect’s interest and keep them guessing. It will keep them on their toes and make it harder for them to catch on to what you’re doing.

Try using synonyms for key words

You may want to write a postcard that directly asks the reader to sell their house to you. But you want to make sure that this is a request that is as appealing as possible to the reader. So you decide to use the word “sell”. But what if “sell” isn’t appealing to the reader? What if it doesn’t make them want to click on your postcard and call you? You could try using synonyms for key words to see which ones are more appealing to the reader. For example, you could use the words “buy”, “sell”, “trade”, “invest”, or “transfer” instead. You could even change your word entirely and make it something that isn’t so direct. You could use the word “consider” or “think about”.

Try using adjectives for key words

Adjectives are words that describe something. For example, something can be “dangerous”, “destructive”, “harmful”, or “friendly”. You can use these words to make your postcard more appealing to the reader. You can use one or more of these words to make your postcard more appealing. Adjective Example Dangerous Dangerous Investments Destructive Hazardous Investments Harmful Risk-free Investments Friendly Safe Investments

Try using verbs for key words

Verbs are actions. For example, something can “grow”, “last”, or “die”. You can use these words to make your postcard more appealing to the reader. You can use one or more of these words to make your postcard more appealing. Verb Example Grow Grow your net worth Last Long-term Investments Die What will your assets die with you?

Try using nouns for key words

Nouns are things or places. For example, something can be “property”, “money”, “investments”, or “assets”. You can use these words to make your postcard more appealing to the reader. You can use one or more of these words to make your postcard more appealing. Noun Example Property Investment property Money Guaranteed cash flow Investments Passive income Assets Inheritances

Don’t Forget the Images

Whether you are sending postcards with words or images on them, you need to be careful about the images that you choose. You don’t want your postcard to be offensive or to offend anyone. You want it to be appealing to your readers and make them want to call you. So what images should you use? You can use images of nature. You can use images of people. You can use images of houses. You can use images of cars. You can use images of animals. You can use images of any number of things as long as they are appealing to your readers. You can also try using images of people doing things. For example, you could use an image of a family eating dinner together. Or you could use an image of a person laughing. Whatever images you use, make sure they are appropriate.

2 Great Tools for Finding Words and Images

There are tons of tools out there that you can use to help you find the right words and images for your postcards. You can use word clouds, image generators, and more to find what you’re looking for. These tools will also give you ideas for other things you can use on your postcards as well. Word Clouds -